Our one-of-a-kind built-in vacuum systems can be delivered and installed by one of our authorized dealers. We want this process to be as easy as possible for you, so we vet the dealers beforehand to save you time and money. Because we are protective of our brand, we personally interview all dealers and connect you with one that is trustworthy for the long term.
Central Vacuum Retractable Hose System Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I find a central vacuum local dealer?
Contact us today to get in touch with a local authorized dealer.
How long does it take to install a Hide-A-Hose?
Once you purchase a Hide-A-Hose the timeline for installation depends on whether you are placing it into a pre-existing home or a new construction home. When installing a retrofitted hose installation only takes one day. However, with new construction homes the installation time frame will vary depending on the construction progress.
Does Hide-A-Hose have a warranty?
Hide-A-Hose offers an exclusive industry leading warranty for customers to get the most out of their new central vacuum systems.
How does Hide-A-Hose compare to Chameleon?
A: The biggest difference between Hide-A-Hose and Chameleon is the way you lock and seal the hose. With our patented locking mechanism you can lock and seal the hose at any length, which allows you to vacuum with full suction without pulling the hose all the way out. In order to lock and seal the Chameleon, you must pull the hose all the way out. A plastic clip can be used to keep the Chameleon hose from retracting, but there is still limited suction.